
highly expressive

We’re excited to showcase original art from some of California’s most inspired artists. All artwork on display at our stores is for sale directly by the artists. Explore our wide array of art, and find your next masterpiece.

Austin Lubetkin

Austin Lubetkin is a software engineer with autism. He has a background originally in painting, and his introduction to art was through the lens of art therapy. Austin has always seen color and emotion as one with his synesthesia and has brought that unique vision into his work through his color palette, which has become his signature. He brings his own artistic touch to his work with AI that separates him from his peers working in the AI space. He frequently works with a type of AI that can transfer the style of one piece to another. In this case, Austin transfers the style of his own paintings to the new digital pieces he creates.
LGBTQ+ & Autistic Artist

Austin Lubetkin
Houyee Chow

Houyee Chow

Houyee is a queer, bi-racial multidisciplinary artist and educator from San Jose, CA. She earned her bachelor’s degree at San Francisco State University in Studio Art with a minor in Philosophy. During the day, she works at a non-profit teaching youth and young adults about arts, tech, media, and creativity. Houyee dedicates her evenings and weekends working on her artwork which addresses social justice, gender inequality, racial justice, LGBTQIA+ experiences, climate crisis, life, and mental health all mixed in with healing from her own traumas. She uses painting, photography, and installation to illustrate her experience of being queer and mixed-race growing up in America. Society categorizes people, but the problem is that she, like many others, cannot be forced into a box.
LGBTQ+ Artist

Miss Brightside

Miss Brightside is an accomplished Los Angeles-based artist and designer. Miss Brightside’s works explore mark-making and subversive subjects, often applied in functional pieces such as clothing, wallpaper, and other design elements for the home. Miss Brightside holds an MFA from Central Saint Martin (CSM), London.

Miss Brightside
Emily Eizen

Emily Eizen

Emily Eizen is a West Hollywood based multimedia artist working in the mediums of painting, sculpture, photography, modeling, and home decor. Her ‘60s psychedelic inspired works showcase the beauty, freedom and diversity Eizen considers essential to establishing equity in the cannabis space and beyond. Emily’s portfolio and commissions highlight her ability to adapt to different styles and aesthetic across spectrums of gender and sexuality, defying convention. Welcome to the world of Emily Eizen, where the in-demand artist reflects the colorful and vibrant feelings she experiences while merging the cultures of cannabis and art.

Jason Shelowitz (aka Jay Shells) is an artist and graphic designer from New York who now resides in Los Angeles. The works in this exhibit showcase Jason’s watercolor work and his unique pyrography —the art of burning images into wood. Jason uses a soldering iron and a pointilism technique to create doting, hyper-realistic portraits of ephemeral urban details, including mailboxes, building facades, and street typography. In 2013, Jason created his most well-known public campaign to date called The Rap Quotes. In this project, Jason turned site-specific rap lyrics into street signs, billboards and phone booth ad spaces and installed them in the exact locations called out in the lyrics. The project was inspired by his love of the culture and vision that we should give back to the communities who gave us Hip Hop. The project was turned into a television show, a book and is a work for the Universal Hip Hop Museum.

Jay Shells

calling all artists

Are you an artist interested in showcasing your work or performing?