
highly expressive

We’re excited to showcase original art from some of California’s most inspired artists. All artwork on display at our stores is for sale directly by the artists. Explore our wide array of art, and find your next masterpiece.

Deborah Hobbs

Deborah Hobbs is a lifelong, passionate, California based artist now in Los Alamos,CA. She is an experienced craftsperson with over 35 years of experience in creating stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces. Her main areas of expertise revolve around oil painting, jewelry making, basket weaving, as well as furniture.

Deborah Hobbs
Alfredo Gonzalez

Alfredo Gonzalez

Alfredo Gonzalez conveys disrupted realism while exploring the human experience and emotion. Gonzalez uses the face, human figure, and his unique painting style to capture portraits of life-altering experiences through quiet moments.

Kathey S. “WhiteBear” Copsey

Kathy S. “WhiteBear” Copsey is an American artist, with Native American and European heritage, who focuses on contemporary Native-themed artwork featuring animals and Natives.

Kathey S. “WhiteBear” Copsey
Alexi Fine

Alexi Fine

Californian artist Alexi is an advocate of Impressionism with a modern twist. Alexi paints with passion and heart bright and colorful florals, landscapes, and abstracts.

Delaney Watkins

Delaney Watkins is a self-taught young artist who has been immersed in the world of art for as long as she can remember. Fuelled by an unwavering passion for her craft, Delaney finds joy in bringing her vivid imagination to life on canvas, consistently pushing the boundaries of her mind’s eye

Delaney Watkins
Chung-Ping Cheng

Chung-Ping Cheng

Chung-Ping Cheng is a Los Angeles based artist, inspired by artists like Georgia O’Keefe and Diane Arbus. Cheng’s photographic practice includes black and white, color films, the medium format camera, and a focus on process, repetition and experimentation in the darkroom.
Ally Artist

Havilah Abrego

A Ventura local, Havilah explores the ocean, the life source of her inspiration, and interprets her experiences through her creative work. Havilah quickly tapped into a powerful connection between her life as a scientist and her voice as a painter.
Ally Artist

Havilah Abrego
Joanna Chrys

Joanna Chrys

Joanna Chrys is a mixed-media artist presently focused on creating colorful and textural painted worlds on canvas. Joanna uses dots of acrylic paint to compose and layer her art, creating highly texturized, surreal surfaces.
LGBTQ+ Content, Ally Artist

Dave Emmett

Dave Emmett is punk-science-fiction artist who uses fluid pour-painting techniques to create nebulae, wormholes, planetscapes, and all things alien on canvas. He aims for vibes that are loud, vibrant, disruptive, and alive. A left-brained Doctor by day, he’s drawn to the ways in which fluid art defies efforts at pre-planning. Each painting forms dynamically, one tilt or spin at a time.

Dave Emmett
Arlene Weinstock

Arlene Weinstock

Arlene Weinstock earned a BFA degree from Boston University. She continued her education at the Corcoran Museum School where she studied website development. She earned a Signature (CPSA), Experimental Signature (CPX), and Five Year Merit recognition for her artwork from the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA).

Weinstock’s “Recyclables” is about finding beauty in materials others discard. She creates paper from shredded office documents. As she builds the paper with layers of wet pulp, she sculpts the surface. When dry, she paints intense colors to enhance the forms and textures. Working in conversation with the art, she follows the lead of what emerges. She looks for ideas in the lights and shadows. Weinstock often feels an idea and helps these phantoms take form. The process of creating art is giving life to ideas. Recycling paper is renewal.

This colorful abstract art series uplifts the spirit. It speaks to the intention of second chances. Through it, she sees possibilities.

Justin Prough

Justin Prough is a Los Angeles-based artist whose work reflects the struggle between sunny days, good waves, and the environmental & political unrest of our times. Telling visual stories by connecting ideas with materials and processes drives his practice. Prough’s work has been exhibited in California and in private collections across the U.S.

Justin Prough
David Marchetti

David Marchetti

David Marchetti is a California-based photographer/conceptual artist who challenges the conventional notions of photography and image-making systems that are currently in place in our society; to push the boundaries that lead to the unexpected.

Tony Smith

A longtime Graphic Arts professional, Tony Smith is a self-trained artist. His paintings allow us to view the human and ordinary side of life. Tony evokes a variety of emotions with each piece, allowing the observer to feel a new sense of connection.

Tony Smith
Michael Korney

Michael Korney

Michael Korney paints masterful contemporary landscapes that pull you into their world. Each place is one he has visited that has produced an emotional stimulus for him. Michael paints to capture these feelings so that viewers can have a similar experience.

calling all artists

Are you an artist interested in showcasing your work or performing?